Plain Text Converter

Remove Unwanted Text Formattings

Words: 0 / Characters: 0 / Sentences: 0 / Lines: 1





Find and Replace:

Case Sensitive

Know more about Plain text converters tool

Want to remove unwanted text formatting and convert it into plain text? Then this free plain text converter utility tool will solve all your text formatting problems.

Key features of this plain text converter tool

This is an advanced offline free text formatting tool that offers several useful text formatting features. These features are sufficient to convert your formatted text into plain text.

Below we have described all the features and their uses with it's instructions:

1) Characters:

  • Remove All Text Formats: This option will clean/remove all text formats present in your text content, including formatting such as whitespace, bold, italics, Unicode characters, bullet points, etc.
  • Remove Punctuation Marks: This option will remove punctuation marks such as full stop (.), comma (,), colon (:), semicolon (;), question mark (?), round brackets (()), square brackets ([]), quotation marks (“ ”) etc.
  • Remove Non-ASCII Characters: This option helps to remove all non-ASCII characters. However, some characters might not get removed due to the very large number of non-ASCII characters that cannot be processed using this tool.
  • Remove Non-alphanumeric Characters: Non-alphanumeric characters are characters that are not letters (a-z, A-Z) or numbers (0-9). In other words, they are all symbol characters which can be removed by using this checkbox.
  • Remove Letter Accents (diacritics): Letter accents, also known as diacritics, are those small marks added to a letter in many different languages. For example:
    • Acute accent (´) á é í ó ú
    • Grave accent (`) à è ì ò ù
    • Circumflex accent (^) â ê î ô û
    • Diaeresis or Umlaut (¨) ä ë ï ö ü
    • Tilde (~) ñ
    • Cedilla (ç)

  • Normalize Unicode Letters & Characters: Normalization takes a Unicode string and transforms it into a specific standardized form. There are different normalization forms defined by the Unicode Standard.
  • Strip all emojis: This option removes any type of emoji symbol from the text.

2) Duplicates:

  • Remove Duplicate Lines: This option is very useful if you want to remove repetitive lines or paragraphs from your text. However, note that it might not work if any duplicate text contains extra spaces or symbols.
  • Remove Duplicates: This is an advance option which help to removes all duplicate text, including words, symbols, special characters, or any repeating texts. By selecting this option, you'll see a "Case Sensitive" checkbox that allows you to strictly enforce case sensitivity during duplicate removal.

3) Whitespace:

  • Trim Whitespace: This checkbox will help you to remove unnecessary spaces between words.
  • Remove Leading Spaces: A leading space is a space character which is present at the beginning of a line. For example:
    • "  This has leading spaces"

  • Remove Trailing Spaces: A trailing space is a space character at the very end of a line. For example:
    • "This has trailing spaces  "

  • Remove Blank/Empty Lines: This option removes empty or blank lines, including double-spaced blank lines, from your text.
  • Remove Line Breaks: Line breaks are special characters that tell a program to move to the next line, creating a new line in the displayed text. Removing line breaks merges your text into a single continuous string without breaks.

4) Other Options:

  • Remove all web URLs: This option removes entire web addresses (URLs) from your text, if present.
  • Remove Hashtags: This eliminates hash symbols (#) followed by text (hashtags), commonly used on social media platforms.
  • Convert URLs to Links: This feature transforms plain text URLs into clickable hyperlinks that open the corresponding website in your web browser when clicked.
  • Strip Email address: This option removes email addresses entirely from your text content (e.g.,,

5) HTML Cleaning:

  • Remove HTML Tags: This option removes all opening and closing tags like <p>, <b>, or <div> from the HTML code, effectively stripping out unwanted HTML tags and leaving only the plain text content.
  • Remove Classes: Classes define specific styles for HTML elements. Removing all classes eliminates all class attributes from the HTML tags. For example:
    • Before: <p class="important">This is an important paragraph.</p>
    • After: <p>This is an important paragraph.</p>

  • Remove IDs: IDs are unique identifiers assigned to HTML elements for styling or scripting purposes. Removing all IDs eliminates these unique ID attributes. For example:
    • Before: <h1 id="main-heading">This is the main heading</h1>
    • After: <h1>This is the main heading</h1>

  • Remove Inline Styles: Inline styles are styles defined directly within an HTML element using the style attribute. Removing inline styles eliminates these styles applied directly to the element. For example:
    • Before: <p style="color: red;">This text is red</p>
    • After: <p>This text is red</p>