Rice Purity Test

Find out your innocence score with the Rice Purity Test!


This Rice Purity Test contains questions that range from minor acts to more sensitive acts. The purpose of this purity test is purely educational and meant for self-reflection. It is important to approach this purity test with fun, maturity, and discretion.

For more information, click here!
Find Out Your Rice Purity Test

Your Purity Score is

Purest Extremely Impure

Your Detailed Lifetime Acts

Minor Acts
Immoral Acts
Raunchy Acts
Scandalous Acts
Unspeakable Acts

Rice Purity Test: Discover Your Purity Score

The Rice Purity Test is a popular and fun online quiz tool. It consists of several types of questions covering different aspects of life, ranging from tame to wild. The user is required to select a yes or no answer for each question. After answering all the questions, a Rice Purity Test report is displayed to the user, showing their scores and percentages for all the acts they've done in their lifetime.

This test was originally designed by Rice University, where college students play this purity test and share their experiences and compare “purity” scores with each other.

However, now different websites have created their own customized rice purity test tools with unique and new questions to make the experience more fun and exciting.

How Does the Rice Purity Test Work and How Do You Play It?

The process of taking the Rice Purity Test is very easy and exciting. The test consists of 100 questions, each with yes or no answer options and none that can be skipped. There are five categories of questions, ranging from minor to unspeakable acts. Each question is designed to delve into various aspects of your life and determine your overall lifetime purity.

Follow These Instructions Before Starting the Test:

  • Read and Agree to the Disclaimer: The most important step before starting the Rice Purity Test is to read and agree to the disclaimer, as some questions may be sensitive in nature.
  • Let's Get Started: Once you click "I agree, let's get started," the blur effect will be removed, revaling the question to get started.
  • Be Honest When Answering: As you go through the questions, answer them honestly to get an accurate purity score. Remember, there is no way to skip questions. But in case If you're uncomfortable answering a question, simply select "No."
  • Re-select Previous Answers: If you accidentally select the wrong answer, you can click the "Previous" button to update your answer.
  • Obtain Your Score Report: Once you've answered the last question, click "Generate My Purity Result" to see your Rice Purity score. Your score will be displayed and a pure to expremly impure horizontal bar with an arrow pointing to your position.

Know Your Rice Purity Test Score Meanings

Your Rice Purity Score is a reflection of your responses, which gives a score between 0 to 100. A lower score indicates that you are a very innocence and purest person, while a higher score shows that you have done many extream things in life and you are extreamly impure person.

Below we have given a short descriptions for each range of scores to help you understand your position on the purity spectrum.

  • 0-10: Purest – This is an incredibly rare score, that means you have an almost mythical level of purity. You might be considered a saint or someone with an exceptionally untainted perspective.
  • 10-25: Pure – This is good score! People in this category have strong sense of integrity and genuineness. Most people likely find you as a very trustworthy and a respectful individual.

  • 25-50: Average – This is a common range. People in this range have a mix of good and not-so-good tendencies, just like everyone else. So, don't worry! just chill in your life but don't go extream.

  • 50-75: Somewhat Impure – People in this range have a bit more "greyness" in their lives because it depends on how they approach things. You might bend the rules occasionally or have hidden desires.

  • 75-90: Very Impure – This score suggests a strong tendency towards selfishness or manipulation. You might prioritize your own desires over others' well-being. 

  • 90-100: Extremely Impure – This is an extremely highest score on an impurest side! It suggests a near-complete disregard for rules and societal norms.