UUID Generator (Advanced)

Generate UUIDs in 7 different versions for free

Know more about UUID Generator online

The UUID Generator, also known as the Universally Unique Identifier Generator, is a web tool that generates a unique 128-bit number that is widely used to identify information in projects and in computer systems.

These UUIDs are typically represented as 32 hexadecimal unique characters that are split into 5 parts, like, for example, (8-4-4-4-12). There are many versions of UUID, which we have explained in detail below. All the versions of UUIDs has different use cases based on the system or project you are working on.

Why Do We Need to Generate Random UUIDs?

Generating random UUIDs is super important for a few reasons:

  1. Scalability: They help manage distributed systems by giving out unique UUIDs without the need for a central authority.

  2. Security: Random, unique and strong UUIDs increase security by making it hard-to-guess identifiers.

  3. Uniqueness: Each UUID is meant to be one-of-a-kind, making sure no two identifiers are alike across different systems or apps.

What Are the Features of This UUID Generator Tool?

This Feature rich UUID generator comes with several advanced key options, including:

  1. Generate 1000 UUIDs at once: You can generate a maximum of 1000 unique UUIDs with just a single click.
  2. Custom Prefix & Sufix: Add your custom prefix or sufix to all UUIDs.
  3. Output UUIDs in different formats: You can use formats like hyphens, uppercase, braces, quotes, commas, etc. Note: You can also combine any of these formats.
  4. 7 Different UUID Versions: We have discussed this feature in detail below!
  5. Validate UUID: You can validate any UUID in a second.
  6. Export Functionality: Easily export created UUIDs in formats like plain text, CSV, JSON, and XML.

What Makes This UUID Generator Tool One-of-a-Kind and Advanced?

This UUID generator tool stands out thanks to several advanced traits:

  • High Entropy: Ensures that the generated UUIDs are highly unpredictable and secure.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy-to-use interface for fast UUID generation.

  • Cross-Platform Support: Works on different operating systems and devices effortlessly

  • One click validation: Validate any UUID without using any third-party tool.

  • Customization Options: Loads of options to customize the format and look of the generated unique UUIDs.

And the most important and advanced feature is that it provides 7 different versions of UUIDs with unique features and structures to ensure uniqueness in different contexts. Which makes it one of a kind! So, let's discuss them one by one:

UUID Version 1 is created using a combo of the current timestamp and the MAC address of the device where it's made This combo guarantees that each UUID is unique across space and time. The parts of Version 1 include a timestamp, a clock sequence, and a node identifier (often the MAC address).

Moving on to UUID Version 2, it also relies on a timestamp and a machine identifier, but it's tailored for DCE security. It incorporates a POSIX UID or GID into the UUID for added uniqueness within a specific DCE security domain. However, Version 2 isn't widely used and is not supported by many UUID libraries.

Enter UUID Version 3, which is generated using an MD5 hash of a namespace identifier and a name. This version is deterministic, meaning that the same namespace and name will always produce the same UUID. It comes in handy when you need to generate unique identifiers based on existing data.

Then there's UUID Version 4, which stands out as randomly generated. It doesn't rely on any specific input (like timestamp or MAC address) but purely on randomness. This randomness ensures high uniqueness, making it suitable for general use cases.

Next up is UUID Version 5, similar to Version 3 but using SHA-1 hashing instead of MD5. Similarly deterministic based on namespace and name, but with enhanced security due to SHA-1 usage.

Coming to newer versions, like UUID Version 6 & 7, they focus on sorting capabilities while maintaining uniqueness and compatibility with systems requiring time-ordered UUIDs. These versions enhance sorting capabilities by reordering timestamp fields and leveraging Unix timestamp formats with increased randomness for better interoperability.

In conclusion, each version of the UUID serves specific purposes depending on the requirements of your application or system setup.